Monthly Archives: August 2013

Moving On

Today is my last day at my current employer. I am moving on to hopefully bigger things. Having already transitioned all of my tasks onto others my biggest concern for today is what I will say in this, my farewell letter.

In retrospect I think I should have spent more time preparing. There are so many things that come to mind, so many things that I want to say. I know that others have been where I am now. They were dealing with the same problem as that one that currently stands in front of me. There are so many great quotes and speeches from the past from which to draw upon. The question I then have to ask myself is which one do I choose? Which past quote can apply to my current situation?

I struggled with that question for some time. There were so many others that have done it before me, and let’s be honest, they’ve done it better. I read the words of Washington, Lincoln, Reagan and countless others, but none seemed to fit my current predicament. Ultimately I fell upon this Irish Blessing.

May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back.  May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields.  And until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of his hand.

So with that let the screen fade to black, let the curtain fall.  It is time to prepare for the next act.


The Gold iPhone 5S

The story about a gold iPhone has been floating around for a couple of days now. Most recently I saw a post in 9to5Mac. You can read it here.

There are so many reasons I hope this is wrong. The biggest reason is that fake gold products are usually used to imply “expenisve” and “high-quality” but they never succeed.

If this is the path Apple’s going down then it’s in trouble. It’s products should speak for themselves and not have to be spray painted gold.


