Monthly Archives: September 2014

Pinnacle Tower, Nashville, TN

Took this shot over the weekend…. just had to share it.

Pinnacle Tower

Pinnacle Tower

The end of the iPod era

Great piece over at Wired by Jim Merithew about the end of the iPod Classic.

On Death and iPods: A Requiem

While renting content is great and we can all say we’ve gained from the experience, we also must recognize what we’ve lost.


Coming Soon: Siri/Shazam Integration

For those of you using the latest version of iTunes you may have noticed there’s a new feature on the Wish List drop-down. In addition to your Wish List, Previews, and songs recently played on iTunes radio there is a new option called Siri.

Screen Shot 2014-09-13 at 2.28.47 PM

When you choose this option it says “You don’t have any tagged songs”. Today Siri cannot tag songs, which means this has to be part of the Siri/Shazam iOS 8 integration. I would assume that once you tag a song using Siri it will show up in this list. Looks like I’ll have to wait until sometime next week to actually try this out.

Apple’s iPhone Event – 2014 Edition

All right it’s that time again. Here’s the rumor mill for this one:

  1. 4.7 inch iPhone
  2. 5.5 inch iPhone
  3. 4 inch iPhone (this isn’t really a rumor, but more of an observation. The 5C will move down to the “free” position)
    1. Side-note: This means that the 30-pin connector is finally retired on iPhones. (It would be retired completely if it weren’t for the iPod Classic)
  4. Unveiling of the iWatch (expected to ship next year)
  5. Mobile payments via Passbook.
  6. NFC on the new iPhones to go with mobile payments. (I’ll go out on a limb and bet that if one phone has NFC all 3 models will.)

Here are a couple of things we still don’t know:

  1. What will the camera resolution be?
  2. What will the screen resolution be?
  3. How much will the 5.5 inch model cost?
  4. Anything about the iWatch…

In less than 24 hours we’ll know which rumors were true, and which were bogus.